exhibition opening: 04.03.2022, 7 pm @ Idlhofgasse 62, 8020 Graz duration: 05.03.- 02.04.2022 artists: Brisilda Bufi, Lotta Dallermassl, Johanna Lea Lassnig, Alina Reimelt & Antonia Wechner curator: Felicitas Pilz
„It is about the physical transposition of an object from the continuum of reality into the fixed condition of the art-image by a moment of isolation, or selection. […] Every photograph is the result of a physical imprint.”
[Rosalind Krauss]
Rosalind Krauss defines indexicality as a typical characteristic of the photographic - in the sense of a sign that stands in a causal relationship with the object of reference. This also includes the photographic process of digital photography, in which the subject is detached from its continuum of reality and anchored in or as an image, thus becoming a trace of reality.
However, the question is: the trace of which reality?
From the phenomenological perspective, the acquisition of knowledge as well as the construction of reality is conditioned by the being-in-the-world of the body, which relates to space and time. In the focus of enactivism stands the perception and experience of the environment as a mutually and constantly influencing relationship between subject, fellow human beings, time, space and object, whereupon a personal image of a reality is formed. As a result of COVID-19, a major rupture in this construction of reality occurred as life shifted increasingly into digital space. Five emerging female artists approach the theme of digitality & trace of reality, by correlating the content of the artworks with the artistic method of digital photography.
photo: Johanna Lea Lassnig graphic design: Romana Stromberger
exhibition project supported by: cultural office of the city of Graz - gallery funding 2021
cooperation partner: ROTER KEIL
video: Johanna Lea Lassnig & Raphael Riegler